Monday, January 10, 2011


Now I'm not one to do New Years Resolutions because honestly I just never ever stick to them.  However there are some things I would like to change in my life for 2011.

1. Yes, like everyone else in the beginning of the new year I want to change my eating habits and lose weight
2. Have more patience with my children
3. Get my finance's better organized
4. Start running, I really really want to get up every morning before work and run.  I've never been much of a runner, however the last time I really put effort into exercising it made me feel so good.  The problem is that I would have to get up around 5am to go run.  At 5am it is still very dark outside, and my lovely father (who is a cop) has me scared senseless about being outside by myself in the dark.  UGH

 What are your resolutions?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello Again

Just a brief update.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!  We sure did!  We left on Christmas Eve to go to my mom's (she lives 2 hours away).  We loaded up all the kids stuff from "Santa" and took it with us.  The kids were spoiled beyond belief and had a great time.  We stayed at mom's for 2 days before coming back home.

Currently M has bronchitis, and that just sucks!  Poor little Monkey.  Have a great weekend!