Well I really suck at this blogging thing. I'm jumping back in (just like I never left lol)!! The summer was crazy busy, and kinda horrible. We unfortunately had a death in the family, one that was pretty unexpected. I'm not going to get into that now, it'll have to be another long-winded post some other time. How about some updates on the kids?
Jay had a good summer. She got to spend some time at her ma-ma's house, and while she unfortunately (due to the death) did not get to participate in the dance performance she did get to go to the dance camp. She enjoyed that and has shown me her dance 1047854823027 times. :-)
School started for her mid-August, 5th grade this year. So far she seems to really be liking it, they rotate classes just like BIG kids. haha Homework is crazy this year and we've been pretty busy every night. The school is putting on a school wide Annie musical. She auditioned and was selected to be in the chorus and dancing. She is super excited since she loves to dance! She has decided to be a Pageant girl for Halloween so I'm trying to put that together for her.
M is my monkey man. His language skills have exploded and that makes me one happy mommy. He turned 2 last month, how in the heck did that happen? He's such a big boy! He constantly is repeating everything I say all day long. But yet when he needs/wants something he grunts, points, and screams. LOL His sleep has gotten somewhat better, and still sometimes the same. Idk for now I'm just going to be happy with the good nights. We have not and will not be potty training just yet. He knows what the potty is, and sometimes he will sit on it. But if he doesn't want to sit on it, then he isn't going to. I ask him all the time if he wants to sit on the potty and consistently the answer is NOOOOOO. No need to push anything. He is counting to 10, can name all his body parts, knows most of his colors, and we are working on the ABC's and shapes. He's such a smart boy. I found him the cutest little monkey Halloween costume this year. His 2 year check up with the pediatrician is on the 14th, and he has an appt with the allergist for an Egg challenge on the 20th. Honestly mommy did her own Egg challenge at home, and he had absolutely no reactions so I'm cancelling that appt. He had his Soy challenge in August and didn't have any reactions. YAY!!! Now thankfully his food allergies have been narrowed down to Dairy, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, and Strawberries!
As for me, well as I touched on early we had an unexpected death in the family mid-summer and really I've been pretty depressed lately. Well honestly I was before the death things just keep getting worse. I'm also been having really bad back pains, and for the last 2 weeks everyone in the house has been fighting off sinus/allergy crap. I fired my primary doctor for refusing to help me out with my back pain, and not getting me an appt to see her for 4 weeks. What kind of crap is that? Your patient calls you complaining of horrible pain that is constant and keeping them from sleep and you can't get them an appt for 4 weeks. No thanks! I am paying YOU and if you can't meet my needs (aka make an appt for sooner then 4 weeks) then I can and will find someone who can help me. She did give me a referral to a Orthopedic dr, but that appt isn't until Oct 28th.

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